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Books, Journals & Diaries: Depobook

This is IT! The famous DEPOBOOK that currently appears at well over 300,000 depositions a year. Never lose another attorney or witness card. Each DEPOBOOK contains peel-n-stick adhesive tabs to securely fasten cards into place. Keep track of witness names, addresses, depo times, and any exhibits that are marked. Case number, venue, trial date?? No problem. You'll have it. Realtime? Court day? Interpreter? Job paid? Job done? It's all in there. Who is ordering what? When do they want it? How do they want it? When is the transcript due? DEPOBOOK does it all!

You can even record your own time, mileage, expenses, whom you appeared for, and much more, all in one easy-to-use notebook. Each DEPOBOOK contains 80 pages of daily activity sheets (4 months' worth of depos), Four peel-n-stick adhesive tabs for attorney/witness cards with each job, and FREE exhibit stickers already bound into the back of each DEPOBOOK. 6 X 9-1/2 inch size fits easily into your steno case. 8-1/2 x 11 inch FULL-SIZE version includes SIX peel-n-stick adhesive tabs and room for three witness names and addresses. If you need more space for writing all the important information, the larger size may be for you. Features Pengad's handsome Professional Hunter Green cover with gold lettering and black wire binding. Price each.

    Sku Description Qty Price Buy
    BK-DBS Depobook - 6 X 9-1/2 inches $16.95
    BK-DBL Depobook - 8-1/2 X 11 inches - OUT OF STOCK WILL SHIP WHEN AVAILABLE $22.95
    A6 Transcript Covers
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